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Country Code | Country Name ![]() |
AX | Aaland Islands |
AF | Afghanistan |
AL | Albania |
DZ | Algeria |
AD | Andorra |
AO | Angola |
AI | Anguilla |
AQ | Antarctica |
AG | Antigua & Barbuda |
AR | Argentina |
AM | Armenia |
AW | Aruba |
AU | Australia |
AT | Austria |
AZ | Azerbaijan |
BS | Bahamas |
BH | Bahrain |
BD | Bangladesh |
BB | Barbados |
BY | Belarus |
BE | Belgium |
BZ | Belize |
BJ | Benin |
BM | Bermuda |
BT | Bhutan |
BO | Bolivia |
BA | Bosnia & Herzegovina |
BW | Botswana |
BR | Brazil |
GB | Britain (UK) |
IO | British Indian Ocean Territory |
BN | Brunei |
BG | Bulgaria |
BF | Burkina Faso |
BI | Burundi |
KH | Cambodia |
CM | Cameroon |
CA | Canada |
CV | Cape Verde |
KY | Cayman Islands |
CF | Central African Rep. |
TD | Chad |
CL | Chile |
CN | China |
CX | Christmas Island |
CC | Cocos (Keeling) Islands |
CO | Colombia |
KM | Comoros |
CD | Congo (Dem. Rep.) |
CG | Congo (Rep.) |
CK | Cook Islands |
CR | Costa Rica |
CI | Cote d'Ivoire |
HR | Croatia |
CU | Cuba |
CY | Cyprus |
CZ | Czech Republic |
DK | Denmark |
DJ | Djibouti |
DM | Dominica |
DO | Dominican Republic |
TL | East Timor |
EC | Ecuador |
EG | Egypt |
SV | El Salvador |
GQ | Equatorial Guinea |
ER | Eritrea |
EE | Estonia |
ET | Ethiopia |
FK | Falkland Islands |
FO | Faroe Islands |
FJ | Fiji |
FI | Finland |
FR | France |
GF | French Guiana |
PF | French Polynesia |
TF | French Southern & Antarctic Lands |
GA | Gabon |
GM | Gambia |
GE | Georgia |
DE | Germany |
GH | Ghana |
GI | Gibraltar |
GR | Greece |
GL | Greenland |
GD | Grenada |
GP | Guadeloupe |
GU | Guam |
GT | Guatemala |
GG | Guernsey |
GN | Guinea |
GW | Guinea-Bissau |
GY | Guyana |
HT | Haiti |
HN | Honduras |
HK | Hong Kong |
HU | Hungary |
IS | Iceland |
IN | India |
ID | Indonesia |
IR | Iran |
IQ | Iraq |
IE | Ireland |
IM | Isle of Man |
IL | Israel |
IT | Italy |
JM | Jamaica |
JP | Japan |
JE | Jersey |
JO | Jordan |
KZ | Kazakhstan |
KE | Kenya |
KI | Kiribati |
KP | Korea (North) |
KR | Korea (South) |
KW | Kuwait |
KG | Kyrgyzstan |
LA | Laos |
LV | Latvia |
LB | Lebanon |
LS | Lesotho |
LR | Liberia |
LY | Libya |
LI | Liechtenstein |
LT | Lithuania |
LU | Luxembourg |
MO | Macau |
MK | Macedonia |
MG | Madagascar |
MW | Malawi |
MY | Malaysia |
MV | Maldives |
ML | Mali |
MT | Malta |
MH | Marshall Islands |
MQ | Martinique |
MR | Mauritania |
MU | Mauritius |
YT | Mayotte |
MX | Mexico |
FM | Micronesia |
MD | Moldova |
MC | Monaco |
MN | Mongolia |
ME | Montenegro |
MS | Montserrat |
MA | Morocco |
MZ | Mozambique |
MM | Myanmar (Burma) |
NA | Namibia |
NR | Nauru |
NP | Nepal |
NL | Netherlands |
AN | Netherlands Antilles |
NC | New Caledonia |
NZ | New Zealand |
NI | Nicaragua |
NE | Niger |
NG | Nigeria |
NU | Niue |
NF | Norfolk Island |
MP | Northern Mariana Islands |
NO | Norway |
OM | Oman |
PK | Pakistan |
PW | Palau |
PS | Palestine |
PA | Panama |
PG | Papua New Guinea |
PY | Paraguay |
PE | Peru |
PH | Philippines |
PN | Pitcairn |
PL | Poland |
PT | Portugal |
PR | Puerto Rico |
QA | Qatar |
RE | Reunion |
RO | Romania |
RU | Russia |
RW | Rwanda |
AS | Samoa (American) |
WS | Samoa (western) |
SM | San Marino |
ST | Sao Tome & Principe |
SA | Saudi Arabia |
SN | Senegal |
RS | Serbia |
SC | Seychelles |
SL | Sierra Leone |
SG | Singapore |
SK | Slovakia |
SI | Slovenia |
SB | Solomon Islands |
SO | Somalia |
ZA | South Africa |
GS | South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands |
ES | Spain |
LK | Sri Lanka |
BL | St Barthelemy |
SH | St Helena |
KN | St Kitts & Nevis |
LC | St Lucia |
MF | St Martin (French part) |
PM | St Pierre & Miquelon |
VC | St Vincent |
SD | Sudan |
SR | Suriname |
SJ | Svalbard & Jan Mayen |
SZ | Swaziland |
SE | Sweden |
CH | Switzerland |
SY | Syria |
TW | Taiwan |
TJ | Tajikistan |
TZ | Tanzania |
TH | Thailand |
TG | Togo |
TK | Tokelau |
TO | Tonga |
TT | Trinidad & Tobago |
TN | Tunisia |
TR | Turkey |
TM | Turkmenistan |
TC | Turks & Caicos Is |
TV | Tuvalu |
UG | Uganda |
UA | Ukraine |
AE | United Arab Emirates |
US | United States |
UY | Uruguay |
UM | US minor outlying islands |
UZ | Uzbekistan |
VU | Vanuatu |
VA | Vatican City |
VE | Venezuela |
VN | Vietnam |
VG | Virgin Islands (UK) |
VI | Virgin Islands (US) |
WF | Wallis & Futuna |
EH | Western Sahara |
YE | Yemen |
ZM | Zambia |
ZW | Zimbabwe |
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